Industry 5.0
Terms and conditions of participation
General provisions
- The Regulations are addressed to all persons participating in the conference entitled “Industry 5.0 – Transformation Challenges of the Industrial Sector” (hereinafter referred to as the Conference or the Event), organised on 4-6 September 2024 at the International Congress Centre in Katowice.
- The organiser of the conference is EXPO Katowice S.A. with its seat in Katowice at al. Wojciecha Korfantego 51/46, hereinafter referred to as the Organiser.
- The conference will take place at an event parallel to the International Fair: EXPO KATOWICE and EcoDom – as part of the “Meeting Industry”.
- Each person who has received an electronic confirmation of registration for the conference or is present in the area where the conference is held is obliged to comply with the provisions of these Regulations.
- The purpose of these Regulations is to ensure the safety of the conference by defining the rules of behaviour of persons present at the conference and their use of the area where the conference is held, as well as the equipment located therein, and furthermore to regulate the rights and obligations of conference participants in relation to obtaining an electronic confirmation of conference registration.
- The following terms used in the Rules will have the following meanings:
- electronic confirmation of registration – means an individual permission to enter the conference;
- security and information services – means persons designated to take care of the safety of persons participating in the conference, including controlling the rights of conference participants to enter the conference area.
- conference site – means the place where the conference is held. The venue may be changed for valid reasons and made public prior to the conference.
- conference attendee or participant means a person attending the conference on the basis of an electronic confirmation of registration or invitation.
Conditions of participation
The conference is aimed at a wide audience from all over the world interested in Industry 5.0 and the transformation of the industrial sector:
- managers of industrial, manufacturing and service companies,
- production directors, managers and employees of all specialisations in mining companies, factories and production plants,
- representatives of companies specialising in robotisation and automation suppliers of technologies for Industry 5.0,
- representatives of institutions supporting the technological development of the industrial sector,
- directors and IT managers representing the industry sector and production sector,
- representatives of institutions financing investments in Industry 5.0,
- machine manufacturers and system integrators,
- maintenance services of industrial plants.
- Participants can enter the venue by pre-registering online at, receiving an electronic registration confirmation and accepting these Terms and Conditions.
- Registration can be made until 30 August 2024.
- The number of conference participants is limited. The possibility to participate in the conference is determined by the order of registration.
- Admission for conference participants is free of charge, provided that they have a valid ticket to the EXPO KATOWICE International Fair.
- Participants’ entry to the conference takes place on the basis of an electronic registration confirmation received from the Organiser, sent to the e-mail address provided by the participant during the on-line registration process.
- The participant is obliged to immediately inform the Organiser about the cancellation of his/her participation in the conference by sending an e-mail to
Upon registration in accordance with paragraph 2 above, the conference participant:
- agrees to the processing of personal data contained in the application form by EXPO Katowice S.A. and other authorised entities for the purposes related to the organisation of and participation in the conference, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of 29.08.1997 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2016, item 922, as amended). The consent also covers the processing of personal data in the future if the purpose of the processing does not change. At the same time, the participant acknowledges that the Organiser is the administrator of the personal data and that he/she has the right to inspect and correct the personal data and that the provision of such data is voluntary but is a condition for participation in the conference.
The organiser informs that the participant’s consent may be withdrawn at any time and the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
- consents to the use of his/her image by the Organiser or other persons commissioned by the Organiser, including reproduction using all techniques, distribution and publication in the press, brochures, leaflets, electronic media in connection with the organisation, participation, reporting on the course of the conference and documenting the conference, if necessary. At the same time, the participant acknowledges that the Organiser in this part is the administrator of the personal data and that he/she has the right to inspect and correct the personal data and that the provision of such data is voluntary but is a condition for participation in the conference.
The organiser informs that the participant’s consent may be withdrawn at any time and the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
- The resale of electronic registration confirmations at auctions, bidding auctions or in any other manner indicating that such resale is for profit shall be prohibited. Any public offering of the transfer of ownership of electronic registration confirmations, including as prizes in competitions, lotteries, premium sales or any other promotions, even if free of charge, is prohibited.
- The Organiser informs that according to art.133 of the Act of 20 May 1971. Code of Offences: “Whoever purchases admission tickets to artistic, entertainment or sports events for resale at a profit, or whoever sells such tickets at a profit, shall be subject to the penalty of arrest, restriction of liberty or a fine. Attempting as well as instigating and aiding and abetting are punishable”.
- Electronic confirmation of registration authorising entry to the Conference must be obtained in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. Electronic registration confirmations acquired in violation of the provisions of the Regulations may be invalidated by the Organiser.
Rules of order
- Conference participants are obliged to comply with generally binding safety and hygiene rules, fire safety regulations, sanitary rules, administrative rules and internal regulations in force on the premises of the International Congress Centre in Katowice.
- Conference participants are allowed to stay in the conference area only during the opening hours designated by the Organiser.
- Photography and filming for commercial purposes requires the prior consent of the Organiser.
- It is forbidden for the participants of the conference to carry out any commercial, canvassing, advertising, promotional or canvassing activities or cash collections not agreed with the Organiser, as well as activities not complying with the applicable laws.
- The following are strictly forbidden in the venue of the event: carrying and using weapons, ammunition, pyrotechnics and harmful chemical substances, as well as open fire, posing a fire hazard, damaging property and posing a danger to health, life and public safety, carrying and consuming alcohol and intoxicants, smoking tobacco products and using electronic cigarettes, behaviour contrary to the rules of social conduct and disturbing public order.
- Conference participants are not allowed to bring luggage with the exception of hand luggage. Hand luggage is considered to be luggage with maximum dimensions of 35cm×20cm×20cm. Backpacks, bags, suitcases of larger dimensions must be handed in to the cloakroom.
- Conference participants are not allowed to bring or introduce animals. Exceptions are guide dogs of the blind and visually impaired.
- Conference participants are allowed to stay in places made available by the Organiser and move only through passageways marked by the Organiser.
It is forbidden to move, carry away or destroy any objects in the venue. - Conference participants are obliged to follow the instructions of security and information services, as well as fire brigade officers or other state services.
The organiser provides free access to cloakrooms and toilets. - Regardless of the participant’s compliance with the above-mentioned conditions, the Organiser has the right to refuse entry or to ask the participant to leave the conference venue:
persons under the apparent influence of alcohol, intoxicants, psychotropic drugs or other similarly acting agents,
persons in possession of weapons or other dangerous objects, explosives, pyrotechnics, fire hazardous materials, alcoholic beverages, intoxicants or psychotropic substances. It is up to law enforcement and information services to evaluate items and qualify them as dangerous,
persons behaving aggressively, provocatively or otherwise posing a threat to security or public order.
- Order and information services may issue their own safety and fire instructions in accordance with applicable laws.
Responsibility for damages
- Participants of the conference bear full financial responsibility for the damage they cause.
The organizer is not responsible for damages caused by third parties or through the fault of the injured party. - The organizer is not liable for damages caused by force majeure.
- The organizer is not responsible for items left unattended by the owner in the area of the organized event (clothing, hand luggage, other items).
- The organizer is responsible only for things given for safekeeping, except for valuables (jewelry, photographic equipment, etc.).
Final provisions
- The Organizer reserves the right to amend these Regulations at any time.
Introduction of changes to these Regulations does not require the consent of the participant. - The Organizer reserves the right, in cases of circumstances beyond its control, to cancel, partially close, shorten or reschedule the organized event.
In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the applicable provisions of the internal law of the Republic of Poland and the provisions of the Community law of the European Union shall apply. - In case of disputes, the text of the Rules and Regulations in Polish shall be accepted as binding.
Polish law shall prevail in the interpretation of the provisions of the Regulations. - The Rules and Regulations are effective as of the date of publication on the event website, i.e.